If you have ever thought that there was an awareness day for just about anything, then you probably be right. International Smartphone day is on February 26th.
Now for the Smartphone awareness day or ‘Mood Off Day’ you are simply asked to from 5am – 10am to ignore your smartphone devices and simply be present with our family members, friends and colleagues.
Recent research into Smartphone usage released by Ofcom shows that 37% of adults and 60% of teens admit to being ‘highly addicted’ to their smartphones, with users checking their smartphones on average, 34 times a day. Additionally, 51% of adults and 65% of teens use their smartphones while socializing with others, and 22% and 47% respectively, confess to answering their smartphones even while on the toilet.
Founder of ‘Mood Off Day’ Tapas Senapati commented “We all love our smartphones and we love our social media, but we also have to stay present in our lives outside of these super gadgets”
For more information on Mood Off Day