Know Your Own Skin

According to current research, two in three Australians or 64% failed to get their skin checked by a healthcare professional in the past 12 months despite having suffered from sunburn in the past. It should also be noted that eight in ten people over the age of 40 have had their blood pressure checked in the last twelve months. Statistics also show that Two in three people will be diagnosed with skin cancer before the age of 70.
In an effort to promote better skin care The Know Your Own Skin Imitative has been developed by leading physicians. The plan is to get Australians to check their skin at the start of each season for sun damage; and to ask for a skin check with their family doctor as part of a routine health check.
“All Australians are at risk of developing sun damage related skin conditions, due to our past sunbathing habits and the inevitable exposure we all get to the sun’s UV rays. As a skin expert, it’s a concern such a low number of people have had their skin checked in the past 12 months.” Dermatologist Dr Stephen Shumack commented.
A Know your own Skin app has been released and can be downloaded at

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