As a part of a National Year of Reading challenge to create Canberra’s longest bookmark Dickson Library has received 5,000 individual knitted bookmarks. With one volunteer Althea O’Rourke has donated 1,000 bookmarks.
Director of Libraries ACT Vanessa Little explained that in February volunteers started knitting bookmarks 21cm long and 6cm wide with the hope of creating one giant bookmark the distance between Dickson and Civic libraries which is just over four kilometres. Ms Little added that a grand total of 19,381 bookmarks are needed to set the record.
“We are overwhelmed with how popular the project has already become. Primary school students (including a group from the Blue Gum School), local authors, National Year of Reading ACT Ambassadors and volunteers from as far as Sydney, Adelaide and Broken Hill, are all contributing to this project.” Ms Little Said.
Ms Little added later this year volunteers would be sought to help sew the bookmarks into blankets, which will then be donated to a local charity.
To find out how to donate wool visit here