African Walnut Tree Planted at the National Arboretum

ACT Minister for Multicultural Affairs, Joy Burch was joined by The Honourable Morgan Tsvangirai, Prime Minister of the Republic of Zimbabwe when they recently, planted an African Walnut tree at the National Arboretum Canberra.
“Not only is the African Walnut an exceptional ornamental tree, it also has a number of other uses. The bark is used to treat heartburn and hangovers; it can also be used as a dye and the wood is of good quality suitable for furniture making. In colder regions such as Canberra, the tree is deciduous, losing its leaves for a short period in winter. In Spring the tree produces rich, deep red flowers in masses which attract nectar feeding birds.” Minister Burch commented.
Minister Burch mentioned that it was very pleasing to see the 100 Forests 100 Gardens design concept well under way, with 87 forests and approximately 37,000 trees planted.

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