ACT Chief Minister announces new hospital on UC Campus

ACT Chief Minister and Minister for Health Katy Gallagher signed a Heads of Agreement with University of Canberra Vice-Chancellor Professor Stephen Parker and announced that a new hospital will be built on built on the northwest of the University’s Bruce campus, the hospital is scheduled for completion by 2017.
“The hospital will be a ‘sub-acute’ facility offering a range of rehabilitation services, such as neurological rehabilitation and older persons’ rehabilitation, as well as mental health services and day hospital services, such as hydrotherapy. It will be closely linked with the University, with spaces allocated for teaching and research within the hospital itself,” the Chief Minister said.
“The University of Canberra already trains a significant proportion of the region’s health workforce, our researchers are finding new ways to tackle the health problems our community faces and our staff and students are delivering health services to the community – locating a hospital on our campus builds our capacity to serve the community in all these areas,” Professor Parker said

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