Canberra Libs to build Canberra’s First ASD school

ACT Opposition Leader Zed Seselja and ACT Shadow Minister for Disability Steve Doszpot announced today that if elected a Liberal Government would build Canberra’s first ever school for children diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).
Mr. Seselja explained that the school would be for up to 40 children with ASD aged between two and a half and six years.
“The benefits of similar schools in Queensland are compelling, with 75 per cent of children who complete the program successfully transitioning into mainstream schools,” Mr Seselja commented.
“The lack of local support for children with ASD, particularly in their preschool years, has forced some families to move interstate,” Mr Doszpot said.
“The earlier ASD treatments can start, the greater the chance a child has of reaching their full educational and social potential, which is why this school is so important for children with ASD and their families,” Mr Doszpot added.

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