Official Backyard Cricket Rules

Recent Research released by Commonwealth Bank reveals that close to a third of Aussie backyard cricket matches involve a dispute over the rules. According to the research, one quarter of backyard cricket matches have resulted in a disagreement about the rules, while one in five backyard cricket matches have ended prematurely because people couldn’t agree on the rules.
“My brother was a tough competitor and our backyard ‘Test Matches’ usually ended in a few arguments.” Mike Hussey commented.
At the professional level Cricket has 133 rules and clauses, while the backyard version of the game has been condensed into 13 easy to follow, undisputable rules and clauses by cricketers Mike Hussey, Ellyse Perry and more than 1,000 Australians.

The Official Backyard Cricket Rules

1. Played between two teams of equal players – minimum one player on each side
2. Whichever team scores the most runs after every player on each team has batted is declared the winner of the match
3. Batsmen are dismissed if their wickets are dislodged or the ball is caught
4. A one-hand-catch off a rebound from a wall or roof means the batsman’s out
5. Batsmen can’t be declared out on the first ball
6. Automatic wicket keeper and slips
7. No Leg Before Wicket (LBW)
8. Kids can bowl underarm
9. Six and out – over the fence or in the pool
10. Break the window or damage plants- you’re out
11. One hand, one bounce
12. If a pet catches the ball- you’re out
13. When a batsman reaches a pre-determined maximum score – retirement is enforced

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