Rock Wallabies sighted after Grampians fire contained


Minister for Territory and Municipal Services, Shane Rattenbury welcomed the news of a Brush-tailed Rock-wallaby sighting in the Grampians National Park in Victoria, following the suppression of a fire in the area in late-February 2013.
“On Tuesday 19 February 2013, staff from ACT Parks and Conservation Service combined forces with the NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service to work on a fire threatening the broader Grampians National Park, including the habitat of released Brush-tailed Rock wallabies in a rocky outcrop location within the Grampians,” Mr Rattenbury said.
Mr Rattenbury explained that the Brush-tailed Rock wallaby sighted was Kunzy who was born and reared from our very own captive breeding program at Tidbinbilla and was released into the Grampians in late-October 2012. Rattenbury added that Tidbinbilla’s Animal Breeding Centre has bred 56 joeys in the last five years with 23 released back into the Grampians in Victoria including, Kunzy.

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