ACT Attorney-General Simon Corbell recently announced that $1.050 million will be spent over four years to establish a new home for the Territory’s community legal centres, which are currently housed at Havelock House.
“Community legal centres are important parts of ensuring that those Canberrans are given early assistance to avoid becoming further entrenched in the legal system. Funding at an early point works to prevent costs, particularly social costs, later,” Mr Corbell said. The Attorney-General explained that the funding set out in the 2013-14 budget will assist with renting commercial accommodation on an ongoing basis to establish a new Community Legal Hub to house the Welfare Rights and Legal Centre, the Women’s Legal Centre and the Tenants Union.
“The ACT Government will continue to direct funding towards priority areas, including facilitating the provision of legal services to the most disadvantaged members of the community,” M. Corbell commented.