WWII Pilot Receives Honorary Rank of Flight Lieutenant

Chief of Air Force, Air Marshal Geoff Brown, presents Kenneth Wright with his commission to Flight Lieutenant and Flight Lieutenant rank slides.

Chief of Air Force, Air Marshal Geoff Brown, presents Kenneth Wright with his commission to Flight Lieutenant and Flight Lieutenant rank slides.

The Chief of Air Force, Air Marshal Geoff Brown recently presented an Honorary Rank of Flight Lieutenant (FLTLT) to 93 year old World War II pilot Ken Wright. Air Marshal Brown said it was important to remember the contribution of past Air Force members that helped shape Air Force today.
“The values of respect, excellence, agility, dedication, integrity and teamwork demonstrated by FLTLT Wright during his service mirrors those held by the modern Air Force,” Air Marshal Brown said.
“Thank you, it’s a real surprise. I applied for the commission before I was shot down, but the papers couldn’t be found. When I came back they said ‘forget about it’ so I did.” FLTLT Wright (retired) commented.
Air Marshal Brown explained that in a unique situation, FLTLT Wright (then Flight Sergeant) was interviewed for his commission in 1942, just six days before he was reported missing. Although the paperwork was lost, he was regarded as an Officer by his superiors. Despite extensive searches, the paperwork was never located. The Honorary Rank recognises his contribution to Air Force during World War II.
“After I was shot down I was picked up by the German Army and taken to an aerodrome, where I met the German pilot that shot me down. He shook my hand and said ‘one day we’ll be friends’,” FLTLT Wright (retired) said.
FLTLT Wright was interred at Durchgangslager der Luftwaffe and moved to Stalag 8B, Luft 3 Sagan, Luft 3 Bellaria and finally to Stalag 3A Luckenwalde. After three years as a Prisoner of War, he escaped with a friend and joined the US Forces at Elbe on Victory in Europe Day.

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