Help Send Australian Paralympians to the Paralympics

A new fundraising campaign the ‘Believe’ campaign has recently been launched by the Australian Paralympic Committee (APC) to help raise the vital funds required by the APC to send Australia’s Paralympic athletes to future Games.
“Believe it or not, more than half the Australian population doesn’t realise the APC is a charity that needs to fundraise to send the Team to each Paralympic Games,” said Jason Hellwig, CEO of the APC. “Whilst results are important, making sure that athletes get the chance to compete in the first place is essential. That’s why the Believe campaign is so important as we head towards the Paralympic Winter Games in Sochi in March and on to Rio in 2016. Every cent counts and we’re urging the public to dig deep and give generously.”
Mr Hellwig explained that the APC has set an ambitious fundraising target of $200,000 to be reached before Sochi 2014 – only 44 days away.
“Alpine skiing has taken me to amazing places, made me a stronger person and provided me with a passion I love. Without the public’s donations to the APC, my skiing career wouldn’t have been possible. I’m extremely appreciative of the belief that people put in me every day and I will be putting my all into representing my country and doing Australia proud at Sochi.” Alpine skier and member of the 2014 Australian winter Paralympic team Victoria Pendergast commented.

We Believe

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