Vic Government translates info on common scams into 23 languages

As part of a Victorian Coalition Government initiative, information on common scams has been translated into 23 languages to help migrants and others who may not have well-developed English skills.
“Limited English skills can make consumers vulnerable and put them at a disadvantage. We want all Victorians, whatever their cultural background, to be confident and informed consumers,” Minister for Consumer Affairs Heidi Victoria commented.
Ms Victoria explained that Consumer Affairs Victoria has made the scam awareness information available in Amharic, Arabic, Burmese, Chin Haka, Chinese (traditional), Croatian, Dari (Persian), Dinka, Farsi (Persian), Greek, Hindi, Italian, Karen, Korean, Macedonian, Maltese, Nuer, Russian, Somali, Spanish, Swahili, Turkish and Vietnamese.
“The translated information will help people identify and protect themselves from three of the most common scam types – lottery, rebate and romance scams.”

Consumer Affairs Victoria

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