Going to the Movies second only to working in the Garden

Roy Morgan Single Source (Australia), January 2013 – December 2013

Roy Morgan Single Source (Australia), January 2013 – December 2013

According to research released by Roy Morgan in any given three-month period last year, more Aussies went to the cinema than pursued a hobby (28%), played a computer game at home (32%), played a team sport (24%) or partook in formal exercise such as going to the gym, running or cycling (43%). Only working in the garden (55%) attracting a higher participation rate.
“What with the average price of an adult cinema ticket pushing $20, plus the additional expense of choc tops, popcorn and soft drinks, going to the movies can be a costly exercise. But it seems that many Australians don’t mind shelling out for the silver screen: going to the cinema is still one of our most popular leisure activities.” Roy Morgan Industry Communications Director Norman Morris commented.
Mr Morris went on to explain that a slightly higher proportion of women (49%) than men (45%) went to the cinema in an average three-month period last year, with visitation rising to 68% of women and 66% of men in the under-25 age bracket. Adding that of the 9 million people who went to the movies in a three month period 42% went just once, 40% went two or three times; 14% went between four and seven times; and 4% went eight or more times.

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