Canberra historic Carousel Organ Restored

Celebrations were held in the City today to mark the end of restoration work done on the historic Carousel Organ and its official handover to the ACT Government. Minister for Territory and Municipal Services, Shane Rattenbury, said the event marked a new stage in the already rich life of the Carousel Organ which is a great local attraction.
“A lot of thanks go to the volunteers of the Carousel Organ Restoration Group, who have spent more than 40 years painstakingly restoring the instrument,” Mr Rattenbury said.
Mr Rattenburry explained that the organ was originally built in the Black Forest in Germany in 1911, before being transported to Melbourne in 1914 where it was incorporated into the Merry-Go-Round which now resides in Civic. It operated on the St Kilda Esplanade in Melbourne, adjacent to the newly built Luna Park, until1953 when new development brought the closure of the Fun Fair there. The organ was kept in storage until 1973 when it was purchased by the Federal Government and later given to the Carousel Organ Restoration Group. It was in poor condition – the organ was riddled with word worm, and had broken and missing pipes.
“CORG have done a wonderful job of restoring the organ over the past 40 years, firstly making it functional, and then rebuilding the facade. “Now the organ has been formally handed back to the ACT Government so future generations can continue to enjoy its music,” Mr Rattenbury said.

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