Vic Government bringing Commonwealth Games Experience to Students

Minister for Sport and Recreation Damian Drum and Minister for Education Martin Dixon joined Victorian Commonwealth Games Association (VCGA) Vice President Mathew Scholes and 2014 Australian Commonwealth Games Team members Matson Lawson, Kotuku Ngawati and Melissa Tapper recently launched the Commonwealth Games School Education Program.
Mr Drum explained that A range of free resources and activities linked specifically to Commonwealth Games competition was developed by the VCGA with a $90,000 grant from the Victorian Coalition Government’s Sport and Recreation Development Program.
“We’re proud to support an initiative that’s inspiring our primary school kids to get active and healthy by learning about our Commonwealth Games heroes and emulating their achievements. “Initiatives like these will not only help inspire a new generation to follow in the footsteps of our Commonwealth Games legends, but will help reverse recent and alarming trends that show increasing rates of obesity and inactivity amongst our young people.” Mr Drum commented.
Mr Dixon explained that Classroom resource kits provide schools with the chance to create their own small Commonwealth Games competition, with an introduction to various Commonwealth Games sports and promotion of active participation in physical education, adding that Victorian students have a great opportunity to be part of the excitement of the Games.
“I encourage all schools to get involved and bring the Commonwealth Games to life, from inside the classroom, on the sporting field, and in the playground.” Mr Dixon commented.
Mr Drum explained that this latest initiative supports the Napthine Government’s commitment to our Commonwealth Games team, reflected recently in the Premier’s announcement of $450,000 in funding to facilitate the preparations and help meet the travel costs of Victorian athletes competing in the Games.

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