Australia signs the Marrakesh Treaty

The Australian Government recently became a signatory to the Marrakesh Treaty to Facilitate Access to Published Works for Persons who are Blind, Visually Impaired, or otherwise Print Disabled. The treaty will give an estimated 285 million people with vision impairments around the world access to more books published in accessible formats including large print, braille or audio.
Attorney General George Brandis said the Treaty was a key step towards ending the ‘book drought’ for people with a visual impairment. “Exceptions to copyright law will be applied to ensure that the visually impaired community can access more literature than ever before,” Senator Brandis said.
Senator Brandis explained that the treaty will allow exceptions to copyright law to enable organisations to produce and distribute books and other materials in formats that are accessible to people with visual impairment. The exceptions will only be used when books in accessible format are unavailable.
“Australians are among many communities that will benefit from this treaty. Books are essential tools for education and employment, which are ultimately building blocks to development and prosperity,” Ms Bishop said.
“The treaty has appropriate safeguards in place that are designed to protect the interests of authors, publishers and readers,” Minister for Trade and Investment Andrew Robb said.
The Assistant Minister for Social Services, Senator Mitch Fifield, said the treaty will help improve accessibility for people with visual impairment. “People with disability want to be independent, in charge and in control of their lives—this treaty will help people reach that goal,” Senator Fifield said.

To date, the treaty has over 60 signatories including the United States and United Kingdom. It will come into effect following the ratification of 20 countries. The Federal Government will work to bring forward the treaty for ratification through the Federal Parliament.

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