
For the past few weeks I have found myself using TENplay to watch a new favourite show Scorpion. It seems to be a decent enough show with all the hallmarks of those 90’s action series I find myself guilty of indulging in from time to time. Scorpion could stand to have a longer run time and hopefully by the end of the season I will firmly know whether or not I will invest my time in any potential second season, because it seems at the moment three episodes is too early to tell.
Now the purpose of this Editor’s Note is not to review Scorpion a new series that Southern Cross Ten seems to be putting its weight behind, if the fact that I have noticed encore screenings for Scorpion are anything to go by. But I have a small bone to pick with TENplay because of the ads. Over the same period of time I have also being making use of the services of ABC iview, to watch Doctor Who. There is one thing in my mind that makes ABC iview far superior to TENplay because it has no ads.
Now online catch-up for our favourite TV-shows is a great thing especially when you take into consideration that some networks with regular live broadcasts of the ‘reality’ variety see programing scheduling as more of a fluid concept rather then something that should possibly be adhered to.
Now I have a few questions that I would like to ask of the good people of the Southern Cross Network: Why does TENplay show so many ads? Will it ever be possible to skip the ads like it is possible to do on YouTube? Or will you take a leaf out of iview’s playbook and forgo ads altogether?


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