I know how many runs you scored last summer


Director Stacey Edmonds & Doug Turner
Starring Jai Koutrae, Stacey Edmonds, Az Jackson
Rated MA
Score 1.5/6

A cricket team are dismissed by a moustachioed serial killer with a razor sharp cricket glove and an arsenal of sharpened stumps. One by one the killer exacts revenge for the torment he endured 20 years earlier.

This wasn’t the best of horror movies and to be honest it borders on being a forgettable movie. One of the few things that was going for I know how many runs you scored last summer is that it’s an Australian movie and more importantly was its use of a cricket themed psycho killer. Sadly that was probably all that it had going for it, unfortunately I know how many runs you scored last summer had a slow almost snail like pace that lacked any real tension and I found myself unable to care about the fate of the killer’s victims. What was really needed was a little more character development, that way if I knew a little more about the victims and why they did what they did I might of actually cared about them when they where killed.

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