Subway Monkey launching Kim Jong-un parody app

I suppose that when it comes down to it, this is just a case of somebody throwing gasoline on a fire that’s already burning, or at least trying to.

Subway Monkey Kim Cam mobile app

The controversy surrounding Seth Rogen’s latest movie The Interview may have faded away but the people at Subway Monkey have no problem in showing the North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un all the disrespect that he deserves. The company’s new mobile app, Kim Cam, gives users a co-star with the reclusive and notorious leader in their own mini-movies.
“What’s a great home movie or viral video without a compelling and recognizable star?” asked Bee Brown, Public Relations Manager at Subway Monkey. “Our new Kim Cam app lets enterprising young directors cast none other than Kim Jong-un in the lead role, doing all sorts of ridiculous things. We all know that Kim’s father was an avowed movie buff – it’s only fitting that his son follow in his footsteps, so to speak.” Brown added.
Brown went on to explain that Kim Cam is free and will launch first on Google Play. The app takes advantage of a smartphone’s built-in camera and enables users to insert short recordings of the North Korean leader into a video clip. Brown added that the app features 23 different scenes of North Korea’s “dear leader” available for download. “Throw a Punch” and “Gangnam Supreme” are just a couple of examples of humorous actions that Kim Jong-un can perform on behalf of users. The app currently provides up to three free ready-made video downloads to share with friends; additional videos are available for .99 cents via in-app purchase.
Subway Monkey has launched a Kickstarter campaign, which runs through February 26. Subway Monkey hopes to raise at least $10,101 from the community to create the ultimate Kim Jong-un parody app. Those funds will be used to add new scenes and other updates. Backers are encouraged to suggest their own hilarious scenes in the comments section.

Subway Monkey Kim Cam scene selector

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