Moves to Secure Glenfern Sanctuary

The Glenfern sanctuary, in Port Fitzroy in the north of the island of New Zealand, which was founded by the late sailing champion Tony Bouzaid in 1992 and is for sale. New Zealand’s Conservation Minister Maggie Barry has announced the Government will contribute towards a joint bid to buy Glenfern Sanctuary for the nation.
Minister Barry explained that the nature heritage fund will put a significant amount of funding towards a consortium including the Auckland Council and Great Barrier Local Board looking to purchase Glenfern.
“If we are able to secure Glenfern’s future for its community it will be a tremendous boost for conservation, but also for Great Barrier’s economy,” Minister Barry commented “It is a beautiful place and an outstanding monument to Tony Bouzaid’s determination and vision”.
Minister Barry pointed out that Glenfern is behind a 2km pest-proof fence enclosing more than 200 hectares of the Kotuku Peninsula, Glenfern has become a haven for native animals, including the rare chevron skink, black petrel and pateke/brown teal. There is also the historic Fitzroy House, which dates from 1901, and an impressive stand of mature kauri trees.
“The consortium would like the sanctuary to become a gateway to the many walking and eco-tourism opportunities on the island. Negotiations aren’t completed yet, but having spoken with the family this weekend, and with a willing seller and willing buyers, I remain optimistic we can come to a good conclusion in the next few weeks.” Minister Barry commented.

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