Potential Blood Shortages

Cold and flu symptoms are wiping out as many as 900 blood donors a week, prompting the Australian Red Cross Blood Service to issue a call for new donors across the winter months. Spokesman Shaun Inguanzo explained that the first winter hurdle is the forthcoming Queen’s Birthday holiday; long-weekends pose their own threat to blood supplies due to donors taking a break. Inguanzo pointed out that the Blood Service fears that this weekend, combined with the cold and flu cancellations, could severely impact blood supplies and so it is calling on new donors to make an appointment for the week beginning 8 June. Inguanzo commented that the shortest-lived blood product, platelets, was most at risk.
“Platelets only survive for five days post-donation and are essential to the treatment of cancer patients during their chemotherapy,” Inguanzo said “Because of their short shelf life we need a constant flow of donors. This means the need for blood never takes a break, even when some of our regular donors do. We’re calling on new donors to make an appointment during or immediately after the long-weekend to bolster platelet stocks heading into next week.” Inguanzo added.

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