Almonds Australia’s most valuable horticulture export

According to the latest Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics and Sciences (ABARES) data Almonds were Australia’s most valuable horticultural export product in 2014-15 showing annual export sales of $522 million. Minister for Agriculture, Barnaby Joyce, said the bumper almond crop was great news for Australian growers, exporters and the horticultural industry as a whole.
“According to the latest Almond Insights report by the Almond Board of Australia, the industry is forecast to go from strength to strength—next year’s exports will reach $600 million, largely due to the 2015 crop being 10,000 tonnes larger than that of 2014, and continued strong demand and prices,” Minister Joyce said.
Minister Joyce pointed out that the latest USDA data also highlights that global demand for almonds remains strong, with total world consumption for shelled almonds now over one million tonnes per annum with two-thirds of this supplied through trade. The Minister added that the growth in this industry means we can expect to continue to see the expansion of orchards across the country, which will mean more jobs, more export sales, and increased farmgate returns for growers in this valuable industry. Minister Joyce went on to explain that under the China-Australia Free Trade Agreement (ChAFTA), import tariffs of 10 to 24 per cent currently faced by Australian almond producers will be eliminated over four years. This is just one example of the importance of ChAFTA for Australian horticultural exporters. Minister Joyce said according to Almond Insights, investment in new orchards and processing facilities would inject $400 million into the Murray Valley region, and would lead to further economic benefits for growing regions across Australia. The industry has already entered a massive expansion phase with winter planting forecast to increase the orchard area by 50 per cent to 43,000 hectares planted in the Murray Valley region in New South Wales and Victoria.

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