Canberrans Embrace Solar Power

A review of the territory’s roof-top solar Feed-in Tariff scheme has shown the scheme has successfully fulfilled its objectives and resulted in the emergence of a vibrant roof-top solar industry in the ACT. Minister for the Environment Simon Corbell said the review charts the rapid growth in solar installations in the ACT since the beginning of the scheme in 2009 and how that growth has continued long after the scheme’s closure.
“The ACT went from less than 1000 connections prior to the start of the scheme in 2009 to 10,175 FiT-supported connections with a capacity of 26.0 MW in operation today. These installations are spread right across Canberra in all established suburbs,” Mr. Corbell commented “The ACT has another 18.8 MW of non FiT supported capacity, giving a total of just under 45 MW of solar PV in the ACT.”
Mr. Corbell went on to explain that the review notes that, over the period of the scheme, costs have come down rapidly and roof-top solar is now cost effective for many households and businesses without further subsidies. Corbell added that over the period the scheme was open to new entrants from 2008-09 to 2010-11, the cost to install solar PV system in the ACT is estimated to have decreased from $9.62 to $2.42 per watt.

The full review is available here

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