Get up and watch the rugby world cup final!!

According to recent research released by Roy Morgan Research in Australia, around 1 in 7 people almost always or occasionally watch the Rugby World Cup on TV—but in New Zealand, the viewership rate is 2 in 5.
John La Rosa, General Manager Client Services – ANZ, Roy Morgan Research explained that the research showed that just 7.4% of Australians (aged 14+) almost always watch Rugby World Cup matches on TV and another 6.8% watch occasionally. But 27.9% of New Zealanders (14+) almost always watch, with an additional 12.2% tuning in on occasion.

Australians and New Zealanders who watch the Rugby World Cup

Australians and New Zealanders who watch the Rugby World Cup

“In New Zealand there is virtually no difference in the level of support between North and South, with 4 in 10 residents of either island saying they always or occasionally watch the Rugby World Cup on television. In Australia, however, there is a clear north-south divide that generally reflects overall interest in the code of Rugby compared with Aussie Rules. People in Sydney, Brisbane or Canberra are two to three times more likely to watch than those in Melbourne or Adelaide.” Mr. La Rosa commented.
La Rosa pointed out that Australia has over five times the population of New Zealand, but potentially fewer than twice as many viewers overall: 2.77 million Aussies and 1.46 million Kiwis sometimes or always watch the World Cup.
“It is clear that the All Blacks can claim a much stronger level of support back home than can the Wallabies—and this support is more evenly distributed across demographics and geography.” Mr. La Rosa commented.

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