New Zealand, Breakfast and the Internet

According to recent research released by Roy Morgan in the 12 months to June 2015, over one million Kiwis over the age of 14 (29.7%) used the internet at breakfast time on a normal weekday, more than double the 13.2% going online first thing back in 2011.
“Even though internet usage has become much more common at breakfast time, traditional media have held ground. Many Kiwis are adding some online browsing to their regular weekday morning routines, while still turning on the TV, tuning into radio or reading the newspaper.” John La Rosa, General Manager Client Services – ANZ, Roy Morgan Research commented.

 Proportion of New Zealanders who use Media type at breakfast time on weekdays

Proportion of New Zealanders who use Media type at breakfast time on weekdays

Mr. La Rosa explained that the popularity of newspapers on weekday mornings has remained steady, virtually unchanged at 23.3%. La Rosa added that however the proportion of us watching television has declined from 24.3% to 20.7% during the period. Radio, however, has not only remained the most commonly used media at breakfast but actually increased in popularity over the past year: 40.2% of New Zealanders now listen to radio at breakfast, up from an average of 37.3% over the previous three years.
The research summed up that overall, 82.6% of New Zealanders use one or more forms of media at breakfast time, up 2.3% points since 2011.

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