First Crab-eater Seal Spotted in Victoria in 17 Years

crabeatersealVictorian Government zoologists have confirmed a blond seal currently at Anglesea Beach is a Crab-eater Seal (Lobodon carcinophagus), which are rare vagrants to Victorian waters.
“The last time a Crab-eater Seal was seen in Victoria was at Lake Tyres Beach in 1999, with the previous nine sightings dating back more than 150 years at the Lakes Entrance area, Port Campbell, Warrnambool, Portland and Port Phillip Bay.“ Minister for Environment, Climate Change and Water Lisa Neville commented.
Ms Neville explained that data kept by the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP), show the lone mammal – a native of Antarctica – is only the 11th individual Crab-eater Seal recorded in Victoria since records began in 1856.
“So it’s a rare privilege indeed to see this Antarctic species on our shores this month, let alone one this cute and accessible. It’s understandable that people at Angelsea are excited to be near the animal but we do ask them to keep the lawful and safe distance of 30 metres from it.” Ms Neville commented “Let’s hope the seal does not become distressed or disoriented and is able to safely make its way to Antarctica.”
Ms Neville pointed out that Crab-eater Seals are similar in appearance to Leopard Seals. Leopards are larger, with a distinctive head profile and longer fore flippers. Both species are members of the Family Phocidae or ‘true’ seals, as distinct from the common seal species in southern Australian waters like the Australian Fur Seal which is a member of the Otaridae or ‘eared’ seals. The most obvious difference between the two families is the structure of the hind flippers which are not used in propulsion on land in the ‘true’ seals.
A spokesperson explained that DELWP’s Victorian Biodiversity Atlas (VBA) has 14 accepted records of Crab-eater Seals since 1856, with at least five of those thought to be a multiple sighting of the same animal. The VBA has 179 accepted records of the Leopard Seal, the last in 2010 at Wilsons Promontory.

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