Kmart Wishing Tree Appeal Falling Short of Target

With Christmas fast approaching The Kmart Wishing Tree Appeal is calling out for help after the number of gifts contributed so far this year is behind the desired target. Charity partners The Salvation Army and Mission Australia rely on the Appeal to help ensure a brighter and happier Christmas for thousands of Australians and fear this year some people in need might miss out.
Kmart Managing Director Ian Bailey explained that so far the gifts given are falling short of this year’s target of 500,000 and the Appeal is urging Australians to think of those less fortunate or that are alone this season and contribute to the Appeal.
“We are encouraging Aussies to get that giving feeling and help brighten Christmas for thousands of children, adults and seniors by giving a gift or cash contribution.” Mr. Bailey commented “The Appeal is a great thing for families to do together and a great tradition for parents to share or pass down to their children and teach them the gift of giving.”
The Salvation Army’s spokesperson Major Paul Hateley explained that nearly three million Australians currently live below the poverty line and a recent survey by The Salvation Army found that nearly half a million children would not receive gifts this year.
“There is a large number of people who will struggle this festive season and the Kmart Wishing Tree Appeal is a great way to contribute to alleviating the hardships of these families.” Hately commented.

The Kmart Wishing Tree Appeal draws to a close on Christmas Eve. Anyone can participate in the Appeal by:
1. Giving an unwrapped gift in any Kmart store
2. Making a monetary contribution in Any Kmart store
3. Donating online

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