Indigo Lake is a feature film produced by Brian Cobb, written & directed by Martin Simpson, starring Andrew Cutcliffe, Miranda O’Hare, Marin Mimica and Pamela Shaw. Indigo Lake is a neo-noir story of an artist, his muse, and her brutal husband, is set to thrill Australian audiences on its release in late April. In a gripping story of murderous adultery, the film explores the deeper theme of what an artist must sacrifice to make ‘real’ art.
“The film showcases new Australian talent in both acting and production. We are really excited to be able to show this work on the big screen where the audience can experience the visuals and sound at their best” Brian Cobb, Cobbstar Productions commented.
“We are proud to bring another feature film to Australian cinema audiences and hope to see more theatrical screenings around Australia”, Australian distributor Ross Howden, ScreenLaunch commented.
The ‘World Premiere” screening is at the Dendy Canberra on the 23rd April, followed by a Red Carpet gala at Dendy Opera Quays in Sydney on the 26th April.
Indigo Lake