ACT Fire & Rescue Launches Fire Safety Campaign

ACT Fire & Rescue has launched a campaign aimed at residents and tenants of multi-storey buildings in the ACT to encourage fire preparedness and safety. Minister for Police and Emergency Services Mick Gentleman joined ACT Fire & Rescue (ACTF&R) Chief Officer Mark Brown to raise awareness about being fire safe in the home to help reduce the number and severity of winter fires.
“Close proximity living like apartments and unit complexes pose a unique challenge for residents and responding emergency services due to the height, arrangement, and nature of the buildings,” Minister Gentleman commented “The 2016 census shows 35 percent of Canberra’s population (142,241) were living in high-density buildings. Historically, winter is the worst time of the year for fires in the home. The best way to keep you and your family safe is to prevent fires from occurring and to know what to do in case of a fire.”

The campaign encourages residents and tenants to ensure they are prepared by undertaking three steps:

  1. Reduce the risk of a fire starting – factsheets are available on the ESA website
  2. Identify emergency exits and first-attack firefighting equipment in your building
  3. Create an escape plan and practice it.

Chief Officer Mark Brown said ACTF&R responded to 319 Automatic Fire Alarms in multi-storey buildings during winter in 2017.
“The most common cause of fires start in the kitchen, with the majority of those caused by unattended cooking,” Chief Officer Brown commented “To reduce these numbers, it is important that we work to change people’s behaviour and attitude towards home fire safety. It can take just three minutes for a fire to take hold, but only seconds to prevent one.”

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