Director Jay Levey
Starring ‘Weird Al’ Yankovic, Victoria Jackson, Kevin McCarthy
Rated M
Score 5/6

An unemployed visionary becomes the manager of a local public station. The station becomes a success.

Okay, I suppose the only reason why I decided to watch this was that it had been sitting on my wish list on google play for the past few months and curiosity got the better of me. Going into this I was expecting more laugh out loud laughs then it gave me. That being said UHF is still a funny movie and has that heartfelt loveable looser triumphing against the world glow and in a cynical world that’s we all need every once in a while, even if we have to a movie that is whacky, over the top and perhaps even a little predictable in places.
This is a watchable movie there is no denying that. However, with channel ads for channel 62 like spatula city, Conan the Librarian and Gandhi 2 as well the music video for the Ballad of Jed Clampett are very unexpected, though I did like the music video and the ad for Gandhi 2. Then there are the movies that are parodied such as Rambo and Gone with the Wind. The approach to the parodies seems to be very similar to the approach that was used with movies that where released in the 90’s such as Hot Shots. A couple of interesting casting choices was Michael Richards as a children’s television host and Fran Drescher as a television journalist. UHF was released right around the time Richards started as Kramer on Seinfeld and this is probably one of the few movies, I have seen Drescher in where she has not been using that voice from The Nanny.

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