Sydney Underground Film Festival – Greener Grass

Directors Jocelyn DeBoer & Dawn Luebbe
Score 0.5/6

Suburban soccer moms find themselves constantly competing against each other in their personal lives as their kids settle their differences on the field.

This is supposed to be a comedy, personally I did not see it. Greener Grass is probably one of the oddest and the most twisted that I have seen in 2019, this one came close to breaking my sanity. I am completely unfamiliar with everybody involved with the production of Greener Grass. I will be openly honest the running commentary I had in the back of my head while watching this movie was ‘WTF!’ I suppose the only heart felt moment for the entire movie was when Julian portrayed by Julian Hilliard singing happy birthday to his Daddy at his Dad’s birthday party.
From what I can tell the directors for Greener Grass Jocelyn DeBoer and Dawn Luebbe are both Upright Citizens Brigade Alumni and at best I would describe this as a non-narrative feature film and for the record I have no plans to rewatch this movie any time soon.

I am definitely not the target demographic for this type of movie the best I can tell Greener Grass was some sort of commentary on the awkwardness and stupidity of life in Suburban America. It didn’t surprise me to learn that this was based on a short film, that knowledge actually answered a few questions that I had about the movie. This really needed a narrative running throughout the entire movie. Some sort of coherent plot might have made Greener Grass a little less painful to watch. I suppose the only reason why I watched Greener Grass was because there are times that I am more then willing to give into my ‘what the heck’ feelings. And for better or worse there are times that you have to give into these feelings.

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