Sydney Underground Film Festival – Independence, Rockets & Borsch (Shorts)

Fabulous squirt is one of the strangest movies that I have seen that is going to be screened at the Sydney Underground Film Festival. It started off as you would expect any serious news or current affairs report and then it took a turn that I really wasn’t expecting. The idea of My Little Pony inspired creatures taking on the Ukrainian far right had me howling with laughter. However, the explanation for the creatures, well I had to replay that part to make sure that my mind was not playing tricks on me.
EyeMo is probably one of the more stylistically interesting movies in this collection. It was interesting to see how the quality of the footage of the movie as the narrative changed from reality to that of a camera that belonged to a cameraman that was killed at the start of the movie.
I adored voice, I have found that sometimes child actors are the best for the simple reason that most of the time they are just being themselves and not playing a part (at least the case when they have only been in a handful of movies). The little girl in this movie is why I adored this movie so much. What she had to say about Buckwheat and her father made me tear up.
Desaturated was a fun and I loved how self-aware the movie was and how it made fun of the more standard movie tropes.
Ukraine really does seem to be a beautiful country and all of the movies in this collection are shot wonderfully. An interesting aspect film is that in can explore aspects of history and how there are some things that we hope to forget and there are other culturally important and might be forgotten The Fall of Lenin and A Kobza workshop. I wasn’t sure what I was expecting of The Fall of Lenin, but a lot of the footage used in this documentary reminded of the news footage of the fall of a statue of Saddam Hussein in Baghdad. Up until watching A Kobza workshop I have never heard a Kobza or its music. It was very interesting to see one of these instruments made over the course of the movie and I have to wonder how many Kobza are made how it was shown in the movie.
Kyiv Story is probably one of the more serious movies of the collection as it deals with the unrest in Ukraine more directly then some of the other movies in the collection. Given how scary world can be at times when you look at a news broadcast a lot of things might not seem that real and a war really would not seem that real until you saw a tank rolling down the streets. It is also interesting to how friendships can form the most unlikely circumstances.

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