A new irreverent and impacting podcast called Bad Boys launched in January on Apple and Spotify and amongst the humour, is highlighting certain major issues that seem to exist within the Queensland Prison System. Episode 2 of the Bad Boys Podcast entitled “Keep the Car Running Jim” brings to light things that are covered up within the Queensland prisons as well as events that need further investigating and explaining to the public. Ranging from drug lord weddings to mobile phone scams to even discussing the illegal importing of alcohol, the show is a “tell all” experience of two men who witnessed the system firsthand.
Bad Boys podcasters, Shayne Brian and Darren Carver, have launched the show by referencing a high level prisoner’s wedding and calling out Annastacia Palaszczuk by saying she “didn’t know about this, the police commission didn’t know about this and yet the person that runs this prison took it upon himself to authorise it…somebody had to know what was going on and somebody had to organise it all.” They commented “We need Annastacia Palaszczuk to come on our show and explain a few things so everybody out there has a good insight as to what goes on behind the closed walls.”
The show which is a mixture of comedy and true crime does not hold back when it comes to explaining what goes on inside prison with claims of guards bringing illegal items inside and prisoners starting up profiles on Tinder and Facebook.
“We’ll be gentle, we won’t ask too many hard questions but we do want to know if you (Annastacia Palaszczuk) know what is going on inside your own prisons.” Shayne Brian commented “Because I actually think certain criminals within the prisons actually run the prisons.”
The Bad Boys Podcast’s other episodes tackle issues such as drug use, violence, corruption and abuse that occurs almost daily inside the prisons within Queensland.