Director Aaron McCann & Dominic Pearce
Stars Jason Isaacs, Felix Williamson, Sarah Woods & Toby Truslove
Rated G
Score 5/6
An ordinary dog, whose good fortune and ability to connect with people, catapults him to fame.
First things first, if you enjoyed the Red Dog movies, take the time to check this one out especially if you have small kids that need to be entertained. Now when watching bio-pics in the past there has been more than a few occasions that I have wondered how much of this movie was condensed for the sake of the movie’s run time. Even with a runtime of under 90 minutes I am willing to assume that very little ‘condensing’ was done to the story. The best way to describe Koko: A Red Dog Story is that is a hybrid bio-pic/documentary because clearly the movie had elements of both. The phrase ‘never let the truth get in the way of a good story’ was a reoccurring thought that I had throughout the movie, especially through some of the more ‘bio-pic’ moments.
Without giving to much away this is definitely a movie for the entire family its funny, silly and yes even a little bit sad.