AJLO Productions have released its first indie feature action film in Arizona depicting a quick thinking father who is on a quest to save his abducted daughter. In 2019, Jason Lohman (producer and director of Rescue), saw a news article relating to a child abduction/trafficking bust in Mesa, Arizona. This scenario haunted him as he has a young daughter (Alexa Lohman). Between his daughter being of a young age, and this crime hitting close to home, he wanted to help bring awareness of how easily a young girl, or child, can be abducted in the blink of an eye.
After the accidental death of Jake’s oldest daughter and wife, Jake’s only daughter Leah, has been abducted by human traffickers and is being sold to the cartel. Jake’s experience in martial arts, sets out with little clues in hand, and a kali stick in the other.
Rescue currently has won six awards and three honorable mentions in its run of the film festival circuits. Jason Lohman received an honorable mention as Best First Time Director, and Alexa Lohman won Best Young Actress. Being that Jason (“Jake”) and Alexa (“Leah”) are real life father and daughter, it was easy to portray their real-life father-daughter bond that is captured in Rescue. All of the film crew and cast members are in hopes that this new indie film, which is filmed in Arizona, will generate greater awareness of child abductions and trafficking. While the filming shows some intense dramatic moments, it was necessary to give an authentic presentation of just how serious trafficking and abductions continues to be an ongoing problem.