Irish Film Festival – Redemption of a Rogue


Director Philip Doherty
Starring Aaron Monaghan , Aisling O’Mara & Kieran Roche
Rated MA
Score 6/6

A bible, black comedy about a prodigal son returning to his hometown to seek salvation for his sins.

Before we get too far into things a brief moment of ‘yes there are times when I am that much of an idiot’ I will admit that when I saw that The Gonzo Theatre was involved with the production of Redemption of a Rogue I immediately thought of the Muppet with the blue fur, Gonzo. Redemption of a Rogue is featured in the upcoming Irish Film Festival; it should also be noted that this was Writer/Director Philip Doherty’s debut feature film. On a side note regarding the list of movies that I was given to watch for the Irish Film Festival, Redemption of a Rogue was not the next one on the list. I thought I would shake things up for myself.
Normally after watching a movie with such a dark sense of humor like Redemption of a Rogue I’d might something along the lines of that this might not be the sort of movie if you’re having a bad day because it could make it worse. Instead i’ll say that considering how ridiculous things are getting in the world right now we need to laugh. We need more comedies. I loved Aaron Monaghan’s ,Aisling O’Mara’s and Kieran Roche’s performances. I thought that the introduction of Monaghan’s character Jimmy was hilarious and the monologue rationalizing the Plagues of Egypt was brilliant. I really do hope that I get the chance to see more movies from Philip Doherty in the future. I loved how they were treated as a sort of snapshot in the mind. The scene buying rope, oh my god did it make me awkward yet it seemed to set the tone for the movie in such a brilliant way.


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