Signs Rover Might Have Spring Time Allergies

Just like humans, dogs can also get seasonal allergies – sniffles, itchy eyes and itchy skin, in response to the pollen levels increasing and temperatures rising. Dogs Australia says it’s important to watch for the signs.
“Seasonal allergies tend to occur predominantly in spring or autumn. And dogs can be sensitive to a wide variety of allergens including pollen, grass, certain plants, mould spores, fungi and flea saliva. The allergens are inhaled or absorbed into the skin when your dog comes into contact with them,” explains Hugh Gent, Dogs Australia President and Labrador breeder. “If your dog is sneezing more than normal, scratching a lot, licking their paws or developing ‘hot spots’ (skin rashes), that means it could be suffering from an allergy.”
“Watching your dog suffer from allergies can be just as difficult as dealing with allergies yourself. There are remedies to assist, which is why it’s crucial to recognise the symptoms and consult your vet asap to determine if they’re suffering from seasonal allergies or food allergies, and what the best remedy is. There are myriad solutions including natural remedies, over-the-counter remedies, and ones available from your veterinarian. And sometimes, limiting time outdoors on high-pollen days will help manage symptoms.” Mr. Gent added.
10 signs your dog might have an allergy:

  1. Scratching: this is often the first symptom and is most common around the armpit, chest and paw areas.
  2. Constant licking: is your dog excessively licking its paws? A dog’s body naturally pushes histamines to the paws (histamines are released into the bloodstream when the immune system is defending against an allergen)
  3. Sneezing or coughing: some dogs can experience respiratory issues when suffering allergies
  4. Red, inflamed skin / ‘hot spots’ (aka moist dermatitis): skin rashes can be a red flag for an allergic reaction
  5. Red, swollen or watery eyes: just like humans, dog’s eyes can become itchy and irritated from seasonal allergies
  6. Licking or chewing paws: allergies can cause itchy paws and aggressive licking or chewing
  7. Hair loss: allergies are a common trigger for hair loss in dogs
  8. Head shaking: dogs often shake their heads to relieve itchiness, discomfort or irritation in or around their ears
  9. Ear infections or itchy ears: dogs with allergies are also prone to getting ear infections. These are often a secondary symptom of underlying allergies
  10. Raised bumps (hives): while hives are relatively uncommon in dogs, they can be a sign of an allergic reaction (and can be very itchy!)

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