Bryan Brooks’ Wrecker Out For Halloween

Shocking concepts and unexpected plot twists are not a common occurrence in big studio films these days. Hollywood has learned to play it safe with their audiences, opting for more universally acceptable plots and predictable endings. Their audience is assured the protagonist will always win the day and every story will end in typical fairytale style. But more and more, people are getting bored with these ‘safe’ films and are turning their attention to the independent world. Independent filmmakers don’t need to abide by the rules of conformity imposed by the big studios. If the audience wants to experience something truly authentic, a purely original story or idea, they’ll certainly find it within the independent film market.Up and coming Indie filmmaker Bryan Brooks has just released a unique film in time for Halloween. The horror/action feature WRECKER is available on Amazon Prime Video, Tubi and YouTube Movies and is the product of years of hard work and determination.

“Its nice not to have to answer to anyone, or have someone higher up tell me to change my film because somebody might be offended or my ending isn’t what the average moviegoer expects. As an Independent Filmmaker, I am my own boss and I get to tell my story the way I want it to be seen and heard.” Brooks commented “You don’t know if you will have success in this business. A studio film with millions of dollars can afford big name actors that will draw a guaranteed crowd even if the movie is a flop. But at my level, I have to rely on authenticity and originality. I like to keep my audience laughing, no matter how serious a scene gets. That’s just the way I am, I can find comedy in any situation.”
Brooks said that movies like American Werewolf in London could actually be seen as comedies from the right angle. Director John Landis used comedy to offset the horror of that film. There were several comedic scenes in that movie that were immediately followed by scenes of horror and action. Its precisely this switch from happy to sad, from boredom to excitement and laughing to fear that jolts audience members and makes for a memorable moviegoing experience. 

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