What is your favorite place to go in your city?
I know the question asks for one favourite place your city, but considering this might be a little overdue so I’ll give you three. One of them was on the second floor of the Capitol theatre that looks out across Furneaux Street and Canberra Avenue towards Manuka Oval. In a wheelchair it was always something of a bother (some might say a pain in the ass) to get to one of the cinemas on the second floor but taking time to look at the view out the window made the effort seem worth it. The bad thing is during COVID with the lockdowns the cinema went out of business.

It’s been more than awhile since I’ve last been out to Manuka, but there’s a row of trees between Palmerston Lane and Bougainville Street and every time I go past them I think about my Uncle. Who in his school days (as the family legend goes) spent a day off from school (without the appropriate permission from school our parents) spent the day underneath the shade of those trees reading comics with best friend only to drop himself in trouble that night through his own foolishness.
Another spot has jumped into my head, so instead of three places I’ll give you four. Why? Because I’m trying to be value for money. The house of the Senate in Australia’s Old Parliament House i love the aura of history that you can feel in that room and how imposing the shade of red feels compared to the Senate Chamber in Australia’s current Parliament House. The fourth favourite place is the airport, not in the airport building itself (it’s to rushed in there) but so long as I’m somewhere I can watch the planes take off and land.
#FavouritePlace #Canberra
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