Are you more of a night or morning person?

Before properly answering this I’m pretty sure I’m legally obligated to say that I’m pretty sure that there are people who have known me for long enough who have on more than one occasion questioned if I am indeed actually human. I know there’s more than a few of you and I accept that most of your reasons are perfectly valid.
I’m very much a night person (or if you prefer a night owl) I have been since an early age around 11 I think. It was pretty manageable when I was younger but as I got older things got more entrenched. When I first started down the path of becoming a night owl I thought that it was in some way naughty, the whole idea of being still awake when I had been told to go to bed, I also started to listen to the evening and some of the late night radio on the local ABC (real rebel without a clue behaviour. Am I right?). The lure of late night television helped fuel my night owl behaviour. Now I am capable of dragging myself out of in the morning but I am the type of person who prefers to have any appointments in the afternoon if I can get away with it. I’d like to say that I’m extremely productive but that would be a lie. Am I always going to be a night owl? Probably. I’m just going to have to work on not being such a chronically bad one.