What snack would you eat right now?
I’ve been meaning to write about snacks and movie watching for sometime now. Over the past 5 to 10 years the snack situation at most neighbourhood cinemas has changed brought on by the invention of the premium cinema. Fundamentally I believe there’s nothing wrong with sneaking snacks into the movies, especially if you’re in your early teens. It’s all part of learning the joy of the movie going experience. Something that the rise and rise of the streaming services have denied a generation. Some of the better cinemas I’ve gone to as a young teen have either been close to a food court or a supermarket, because we didn’t all have access to the funds to be able to pay for our movie ticket and snacks all at the cinema prices.
Now, being a gentleman of extreme rotund proportions I like my snacks. No, I love my snacks. I believe that when considering snacks to eat, deciding on what snacks to eat while watching a movie shouldn’t need knives and forks making it easier to concentrate on the movie (please insert your males unable to multitask here). My taste in movie snacks has changed over the years. My go to beverage of choice in my younger days was usually Ginger Beer the type that came in a brown glass bottle (no it wasn’t alcoholic) and either jelly babies or beans. My current snack of choice brought on after the neighbourhood cinema selling premium cinema experiences I’ve grown partial to buffalo chicken wings.