Director Stuart Gordon. Starring Gary Graham & Anne-Marie Johnson. Rated PG. Score 1/6
In the distant future, mankind has forsaken global wars for battles of single combat. The world has been divided into two opposing super powers, with each side represented by trained champions.
The decision to watch Robot Jox was something of a spur of the moment decision as it popped up in my viewing suggestions in one of my streaming subscriptions, I was completely unfamiliar with anybody involved with the making of the movie. Released in 1990 Robot Jox hasn’t aged the best, being over 35 years old. After watching Robot Jox I think it might be awhile before I watch another movie directed by Stuart Gordon. Now, given how poorly it’s aged I will admit that the movie’s concept that the world has agreed to outlaw traditional open war is very interesting and is something that the everyday world might won’t to consider (but hey let’s be realistic knowing our luck we would probably have to go through nuclear holocaust to). The concept kind of reminded me of Ernest R. Dickerson’s 1998 movie Future Sport (for those of you wondering Future Sport is regarded by some as a rip off or if you prefer an homage to Rollerball). The action sequences throughout the movie reminded me of Godzilla movies and TV shows like Power Rangers through the use of scale models through a technique known as Tokusatsu where miniatures are placed from the camera’s perspective to create the illusion that the characters are larger than they are. My biggest complaint about the entire movie is that for one of the major plot points of the third act to work you need to shut your brain off.