The ACT Government has delivered on a commitment to extend the Molonglo River Reserve in Stromlo and Denman Prospect, covering part of the area commonly referred to as ‘Bluetts Block’. The extension of the river reserve will protect and enhance our natural environment and remove the ability to develop the land for any other purpose.
To enable this, a Minor Plan Amendment has been approved by the Territory Planning Authority to gazette Block 403 in Stromlo, and undeveloped areas of Block 12, Section 1 Denman Prospect as Nature Reserve.
“The community has expressed strong support to turn Bluett’s Block into a nature reserve because of its environmental values.” Chris Steel, Minister for Planning and Sustainable Development commented “This change to the Territory Plan delivers on Labor’s plan to protect this area in Stromlo from future development.”
The amendment allows for the creation of the nature reserve across the two blocks, and proposes to rezone Block 12, Section 1 Denman Prospect from Residential RZ1 to Non-Urban NUZ3 to further extend the reserve. The area has significant environment values which are protected under the Nature Conservation Act 2014 and will be managed by the ACT Parks and Conservation Service as part of the Molonglo River Reserve.
“As our city grows, we will need to be more considered about how we balance our urban and natural environments to ensure our city meets our needs and keeps our much-loved nature in it.” Suzanne Orr, Minister for Climate Change, Environment, Energy and Water “That is why the Labor Government is committed to appointing a Government Landscape Architect and developing a landscape plan for the ACT and I am looking forward to progressing this work across the term.”
“Bluetts Block is a beautiful area to explore, walk, hike or ride and enjoy the beautiful landscape. By formally designating the area as a nature reserve we’ll be able to protect and conserve our native and threatened animals, plants and their habitats. As our city grows, we will need to be more considered about how we balance our urban and natural environments to ensure our city meets our needs and keeps our much-loved nature in it.” Suzanne Orr, Minister for Climate Change, Environment, Energy and Water commented “That is why the Labor Government is committed to appointing a Government Landscape Architect and developing a landscape plan for the ACT and I am looking forward to progressing this work across the term. New boundary fencing, gates, compliance signage and reserve entrances will be established to identify and secure the new nature reserve boundary. Reserve infrastructure, including tracks and trails will be designed to avoid or minimise impacts to protected conservation values while providing operational suitability to protect both neighbouring suburbs and the reserve itself.”