ACT Government Investing in Live Music Scene

Minister for the Arts and Community Events Gordon Ramsay announced recently that the ACT Government is investing $108,000 to ensure Canberra’s live music scene continues to thrive.
“Canberra is brimming with talented musicians and we’ll be working closely with MusicACT to strengthen live music opportunities in the Capital,” Minister Ramsay commented “The funding will support a range of initiatives including capacity building programs in artist management, recording, touring, and promoting. It’ll also help kick-start more all-ages gigs in the region. We want to encourage a dynamic culture and improve vitality in our city and this program is a step in the right direction to achieve this.” Minister Ramsay commented.
Ramsay explained that MusicACT has been engaged because of its specialist knowledge and expertise in the live music sector. It also has great relationships with the National Live Music Office, The Australasian Performing Right Association, national live music promoters, managers and record labels.
“We are so excited to be taking the lead on this project. MusicACT aims to create support systems to guide the careers of all musicians, no matter their age or experience and we can’t wait to get started,” MusicACT President, Dave Caffery commented.

This initiative supports an election commitment made in 2016 to strengthen the live music sector in the ACT.

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