47 Metres Down

Director Johannes Roberts
Starring Mandy Moore, Claire Holt, Matthew Modine
Rated M
Score 3/6

Two sisters vacationing in Mexico are trapped in a shark cage at the bottom of the ocean. With less than an hour of oxygen left and great white sharks circling nearby, they must fight to survive.

The only reason I was aware of 47 metres down was because I placed an album of production stills on The Movie Boards’ Facebook page, I’m fairly certain that I did not see a preview for this at the friendly local neighbourhood cinema. Apparently, its sequel 48 Meters Down is scheduled for release in June of 2019.
I think it might have been at least five years since I have last seen Mandy Moore or Mathew Modine in anything and it was good to see Australian Claire Holt. Holt and Moore really seemed to have good on-screen chemistry.
I watched this movie on a small screen but I got the impression that 47 Metres Down needed to be watched on the biggest screen I could possibly find (in short if there was a cinematic run of this in Australia I shouldn’t have missed it). The bigger screen would have added to the bleak helplessness the girls’ situation being trapped in what looked like another world.
I’m not that familiar with Johannes Roberts’ work and after watching 47 Metres Down I can safely that I probably will watch another one of movies given the oppoturnity. I just felt that given 47 Metres Down’s run time the overall pacing of the movie was a little slower then what it should have been because Roberts gave seemed to give the audience to much time to recover from each scare.

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