Reign of the Supermen

Director Sam Liu
Starring Jerry O’Connell, Rebecca Romijn, Rainn Wilson
Rated M
Score 4/6

After the death of Superman, several new people present themselves as possible successors.

For those of you who might not pay that much attention to the DC animation, The Reign of the Supermen follows on from the 2018 animated movie The Death of Superman (which was told in the 2007 DC animated movie Superman/Doomsday).
No, for those of you who might be wondering I did not do my homework and re-watch The Death of Superman or Superman/Doomsday before sitting down to watch The Reign of Supermen (Though I am fairly certain I have watched Death of Superman, it turns out I forgot to write a review for it at the time).

Considering that different filmmakers where involved with the making of each of these movies its only to be expected that completely different directions where taken with the story, the most notable difference being the use of the Justice League (on a Justice League related note I enjoy Nathan Fillion’s portrayal of Green Lantern).
Though it has its action sequences personally I don’t feel that The Reign of the Supermen could be considered to be a Big Loud Action Movie, which is generally what you would expect from most comic book movies live action or animated. Instead the movie focused more on Lois Lane then the Supermen as Lane tries to figure out which, if any of the Supermen are the worthy successor of Superman.
I also enjoyed the inclusion of characters that I was completely unfamiliar with most notably John Henry Irons aka Steel and Cyborg Superman.

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