Biggles : Adventures in time

Directed by John Hough
Staring Alex Hyde-White, Neil Dickson & Peter Cushing
Rating PG
Score 0/6

A New York advertising executive Jim Ferguson is forced to help his ‘time twin’ Captain James Bigglesworth destroy a German supper weapon that could radically change the course of World War 1.

Idle curiousity can only describe why I hired this movie from my local video store, as to why I watched it well I’ll have to chalk that one up to being a sucker of punishment.I’m still not sure what was worse Neil Dickson’s Performance or the overly liberal use of the synthesizer throughout the entire sound track. This gave the entire movie an upbeat feeling which seemed a little out of place for the sequences during world war 1. The only reason to suffer through this would be to watch Peter Cushing’s final feature film role.

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