Sydney Underground Film Festival – Fuck you All: The Uwe Boll Story

Director Sean Patrick Shaul
Score 6/6

Behind the lens with the most hated man in Hollywood.

For those of you who might be wondering yes, I am a fan of Uwe Boll’s movies, specifically his Rampage movies and Assault on Wall Street. To be perfectly clear even though Uwe Boll is regarded to be the worst director, it is my firm belief that there are directors that are worse than Boll, all you have to do is look to is Tommy Wiseau or any director who has directed a movie produced by a movie produced by The Asylum.

Even though Boll’s friends where interviewed for this documentary this wasn’t as pro boll as I thought it was going to be, though it did not surprise me that Boll was passionate about movies or was the type of person who was very blunt. Given that Boll has seemed to have found a lot of the funding for his movies through film funds it does explain a lot about the quality of some of the movies that Boll has produced, the movies of Boll’s that I have enjoyed have had something to do with current affairs.

Part of me was a little shocked to learn what Brendan Fletcher had to say about the production of Boll’s Rampage movies given that they are my favorite movies that Boll has directed. After hearing what Lindsey Hollister had to say about Bluberella given the opportunity I might have to watch it as well as the blood Rayne movies. Hollister also said that Boll was a serious filmmaker trapped in a video game world. This documentary also answered a few other questions that I had about the quality of some of the other movies that Boll’s movies. Some of Boll’s friends have also affirmed a theory I have about an individual’s attitude towards retirement and I suppose the only thing that will keep Boll (a man who is passionate about movies) out of the director’s chair is something that he is even more passionate about.

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