Directed by Gerry Lively
Staring Mark Dymond, Clemancy Burton-Hill, Bruce Payne, Steven Elder, Ellie Chidzey, Lucy Gaskell, Roy Marsden & Tim Stern
Rating M
Score 0/6
Dungeon & Dragons: The elemental magic is based on the iconic role playing game Dungeons and Dragons. When, evil wizard Damodar steals the black orb in order to take revenge on Ismir. A company of heroes must steal the orb from Damodar to prevent him from awakening the black dragon which will destroy the entire kingdom.
What I’d like to say about this movie is what many primary school teachers have told their students about poorly presented or unfinished work, Go Back and do it again. Dungeon and Dragons: The Elemental Might is the worst movie that I have seen in a long time. This movie was let down by the highly questionable plot and the bad actors who are guilty of over acting throughout the movie. The Elemental Might is a movie that does not improve if you watch it a second time, this is something that should be forgotten about and left to collect dust in video stores world wide.