Directed by Piti Jaturaphat
Staring Thun Thanakorn, Nuttanan Juntarwet & Nicky Teerakol
Rating M
Score 5/6
Uncle Praow’s Chok Dee Muay Thai fighting bar is a local attraction where foreign fighters come to test their skils. A group of friends who all work at the bar have to band together when a group of foreigners attempt to buy the bar by force.
This is a movie with its strong theme of revenge is something that you need to make time to watch. Director Piti Jaturaphat seemed able to expertly blend the Muay-Thai fighting and the comic elements. While showcasing the beautiful scenery set on an island in the Andaman sea. The only problem that i have with this is that whoever was responsible for the subtitles had problems with their English.